Is the Pesticide Glyphosate in Gluten-Free Prairie Oats? 2023 UPDATE
Looks like Glyphosate in Oats continues to be an issue for some oats. First of all – Please know that there is absolutely NO Glyphosate used in any of our …

Is the Pesticide, Glyphosate in Gluten-Free Prairie Oats? 2021 UPDATE
Looks like Glyphosate in Oats is in the news again. First of all – Please know that there is absolutely NO Glyphosate used in any of our Purity Protocol Oat …

The Ageless Benefits of Oats! Research Update 2021
Want to know why the world is falling in love with Oatmeal and Oat Milk? Welcome to my 2021 Updated Research!

Oats and Your Gut Microbiome
What is the Gut Microbiome? Sounds complicated right? Not to worry – I’ve done the heavy lifting for you! “The gut microbiota is with humans from birth and affects function throughout …

Everything’s Coming Up Oatmeal
Why is this one of our favorite times of the year here on the Gluten-Free Prairie? A picture is worth 1,000 words. Check it out HERE: And that means Harvest …

Gluten-Free Prairie Oat Groats Designated “AMAZON’S CHOICE” for Oat Groats!
We are thrilled to be designated as “AMAZON’S choice” for Oat Groats! So exciting to see more and more folks discovering this awesome Whole Grain Super Food. Want to know …

Deb’s Early Fall Favorites
At the change of each season I think “this must be my favorite time of year”. Right now I’m thinking that about Fall. The Harvest is in full swing. The …
Got Gut Issues? More Great News About GFP Glyphosate-Free Oats
The bad news about Glyphosate, the very nasty herbicide found in Round-Up is still in the news today. You may have seen my post HERE from a couple of weeks …
Is the Herbicide, Round Up in your Oat Cereal?
Hearing the very scary news about the herbicide, Round up found in Cheerios and other oat-based cereals? Yikes! We are too. first the good news! There is NO glyphosate used in any …
Oats in the Keto Diet? You betcha!!!
Why Gluten-Free Prairie Oats can be a great fit in the Keto Diet What is the Keto Diet? The ketogenic diet is a very low-carb, high-fat diet. Keto demands the dieter …

Are Oats Your Perfect Good Mood Food?
How our food affects our mood is something that researchers have been looking at forever. Could it have to do with how we start our day? The American breakfast if …
April is National Autism Awareness Month
The first time I heard about the benefit of a gluten-free diets for children on the autism spectrum (ASD) was back in 2006. And current studies continue to show benefits …
Gluten-Free Prairie Oat Milk
Get it while it’s Hot! Apparently there is a new craze sweeping the U.S. And as with any new craze there comes the threat of a shortage. And it turns …
Breaking News! Gluten-Free Prairie to help feed malnourished babies in Africa!
A couple of months ago I was contacted by a medical school in the Midwest wanting to know about our Gluten Free Prairie Toasted Oat Flour. They were formulating a …
Deb’s Gluten-Free Thanksgiving Favorites
Suddenly it’s November and Thanksgiving is right around the corner. As I write this post we are getting our first serious snowof the season. For the last several months the …
PALEO-OATS? Can oats be part of the Paleo Diet?
Definition: From Wikipedia: The Paleolithic diet (also called the paleo diet, caveman diet or stone-age diet[1]) is based mainly on foods presumed to have been available to Paleolithic humans.[2] Wide variability …
March is National Flour Month! Check out the Gluten-Free Prairie Pot ‘Oat Gold
National Flour Month is the perfect time to celebrate our higher protein Oat Flour. Oats are one of the healthiest whole-grain flours on the planet. If you’ve been looking for …
Arsenic and Mercury in the Gluten-Free Diet. Is the Gluten-Free Sky Falling?
Two press releases caught my eye this week. With screaming headlines like: “Toxic Metals Higher in Gluten Free Food” and “Higher Levels of Arsenic and Mercury Discovered in Gluten-Free Americans” …
Can Oats Make You a Better Lover / subtitle: Oats and Your Heart – A Love Story
Can Oats Make You A Better Lover? Oats are proven to support a healthy heart, and a healthy heart is key for a healthy love life. As we know the …
Gluten-Free Purity Protocol Oats. What does it mean and does it really matter? A mini rant
While the great news about the amazing health benefits of oatmeal continues to go mainstream, so does the the controversy about safety of gluten-free oats. At Gluten-Free Prairie, we take …
The Amazing Health Benefits of Oats — for Everyone
Are oats baby’s perfect first cereal? Oats are a wonderfully healthy grain and they may be baby’s perfect first cereal, replacing rice as the go-to in generations past. In 2012 …
Gluten-Free Oats Are NOT Created Equal
People often ask us, “What makes your oats so special?” The purity of our gluten-free oat products is our #1 priority on the Gluten-Free Prairie. We are completely committed to …