Have you noticed? Designated Gluten-Free Sections and shelves are disappearing in our supermarkets.
What does it mean?
Was the mainstream correct when they said “Going Gluten-Free is just a passing fad?”
I’ve got to admit, I was concerned too. If there are no Gluten-Free sections how are folks going to find my Gluten-Free Prairie line of products. And how am I going to tell them where to look? Are we taking a big step backwards?
So, I took some deep breaths and starting doing some digging. And I didn’t have to dig very deep. I talked to several store managers currently carrying our line and the answer was the same every time. “Gluten-Free is no longer considered a fad or a trend. It is a mainstream phenomenon that is not going away” Gee, we knew that 10 years ago, right? So, as it was explained to me; more and more stores are now integrating their Gluten-Free items onto their regular shelves according to their category.
Whew! What a relief.
Now I can get back to enjoying Summer’s last blast. At the end of our work day, there is still enough sunset to enjoy some wonderful rides on our horses.
And the Glorious, and recently harvested, oat fields getting ready to go to sleep for the Winter.
Autumn is lovely here in Montana.
Hope it’s lovely where you are too.
All Gluten-Free Prairie products are available in stores throughout Montana. And from our Local Montana Distributor: Quality Foods Distributing
Learn more about our GFP family and life on the Gluten-Free Prairie, and find our products throughout Montana HERE. And HERE on our Amazon Brand Store
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