Now for Something Really Scary – Only One Day Left to Vote for Gluten-Free Prairie

scared-woman-2Time Flies and I just realized that Halloween is the last day to VOTE for us in the Gluten-Free Awards. We are nominated in the Best Gluten-Free Flour Category (#23) this year.

Please VOTE for Gluten-Free Prairie!Gluten-Free Prairie Simply Wholesome All-Purpose Baking Mix


It’s quick and simple. Everyone can vote (except Zombies) – you don’t have to be gluten-free.

  • In 2014 our Granola Bites were voted 1st Runner Up in the “Best Gluten-Free Munchie” category in the Annual Gluten-Free Awards.
  • That distinction really helped build our business. Please help spread the word today! This kind of recognition allows our little Montana family business to compete with the big guys.
  • zombie-post

To further inspire you – I’ve written a little poem.

T’was the night before Halloween and all through my head;

Danced images of Zombies and lots of Walking Dead.

The Gluten-Free Awards voting was nearing termination

And Gluten-Free Prairie had a big nomination

When I in my apron, Rick and Jer in their hats;

Heard commotion in the Bakery that we hoped weren’t rats!

The Hunger Buster Cookies were all snug in their cases;

The Granola boxed up and awaiting their places.

Then came the Zombies, first one then a dozen;

I did a double –take when one looked like my cousin.

As they reached through the windows and we offered our Whole Grains;

They turned down our gifts and demanded “MORE BRAAAINNNS”

With eyes popping out and hands dripping with blood;

We were just grateful it wasn’t another flood!

“How about Gluten-Free Prairie” we said, “Why not just give them a taste?”

Then we quickly realized that would be such a waste.

The undead lack appreciation for our Gluten-Free fare;

But it’s almost the last day, we sure hope that you care.

We love to make Cookies, and we love to sell Oats;

Feeding the Zombies will be much easier with your votes.halloween-cupcake-disaster

Love, The Wheaton Family

Please VOTE for Gluten-Free Prairie!

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